Image via Wikipedia Today, I’m not so mad. Sorry to disappoint you. How could I be in any other mood but a jolly one? Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, the most glorified dinner of the year. People all over the country will be taking planes, trains and automobiles to sit at the table with loved ones – and those folks you have to put up with once a year.
Whatever your plans, I wish you a relaxing, warm and wonderful day. And don’t worry about eating too much. You have the whole year to work it off. Or you could just roll over the calories into the next holiday, like a Frequent Eater Program.
That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it! Happy Thanksgiving!
Yep, I’m mad all right. Mad about all the destructive influences on our children these days: RAP music, violent video games, sexually provocative t-shirts, raunchy kids’ fashions, mean-spirited schoolmates, spoiled young girls with major BRATtitudes, the outright rudeness of many young kids toward adults and one another, and of course, reality shows like “America’s Top Model” that send the message to girls that they’re fat if they’re larger than a size 2. I have two daughters, and while I’m a spiritual person, I’m not a religious fanatic, either. I am simply one mother who is fed up with the destructive pop culture, who is trying to keep our children innocent for as long as possible. I started this blog as a place for parents to speak out about the world surrounding their children without feeling judged or pressured by political correctness. It's also cheaper than therapy at $150/hour. So feel free to let it all hang out right here!
1 comment:
Enjoy your Thanksgiving Lynn. I feel stuffed just thinking about it.
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