This morning, some very inconsiderate early-riser jarred me out of my sleep. This person was parked right outside my open window and had the car radio cranked up pretty high. My first reaction after the initial shock of being stunned awake was anger. The sun had just risen and you want to hear birds chirping at that hour, not music blaring from car speakers.
But then I listened, and my anger turned to grief. Then understanding.
The song blasting through my window was “I’ll Be There” by the late Michael Jackson. (My favorite song of his!) Sounds surreal to be saying that, doesn’t it? Yesterday he was alive. Today, Michael Jackson is dead.
The early-morning offender was simply paying his respects. He gets a pass on this one.
I kinda cried. He is the first artist that I followed since I was little to die.
I was very sad, too, Ivan. I grew up with his music -- the young Michael Jackson. I'm old enough to remember when the Jacksons and the Osmonds were friendly rivals. I guess Michael was my Elvis. I was affected by his death, the pure shock of it, much like the generation before me was affected by the death of Elvis. I think they are going to discover that Michael died in a similar way. From a mixture of too many drugs --and an incompetent doctor by his side. Did you know he administered CPR to Michael on a bed?? That is supposed to be done on a hard, flat service so there is some resistance. All the details will come out soon enough.
The freak show finally closed it's doors....
Michael certainly had his share of problems. But you can't deny his amazing, God-given talents. And THAT is the real tragedy in all this. That beautiful light that dazzled everyone has burned out. I was hoping he'd make a comeback, but we can kiss that good-bye.
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