Monday, April 27, 2009

Octomom Gets A Tattoo

Octomom Nadya Suleman leaves her home in Whittier with one of her children to go shopping

Did you hear the EXCITING news?? Nadya Suleman (a.ka. "Octomom") got a tattoo to pay tribute to her eight brand-spanking-new babies.

Forget the Swine Flu outbreak. This is, by far, so much more newsworthy!

I just have one question: While "Mom of the Year" was spending hours at a tattoo parlor, exposing her flesh in a tight shirt and pursing those collagen-infused, sausage lips for the cameras, who was watching her 14 children???? And after a few hours, wouldn't they be pretty damn hungry, ready and waiting for the milk wagon to pull up?

Does it get any more white-trash than this? Someone should call Child Protective Services. Watch the video for yourself here.

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Friday, April 24, 2009

SHAME On Del Taco!

Del TacoImage via Wikipedia
Yesterday, I was out and about with my two daughters, mid-afternoon, and they had the after-school munchies, so we stopped at the first fast-food haunt we saw – Del Taco. We order, pay, and drive off. Ten seconds later, my 11-year-old in the back seat asks, “Mom, what does ‘I bagged a hottie’ mean?”

Come again, sweet little girl who shouldn’t be saying such things?!

She handed me the bag that contained all our food, and printed in BIG, bold letters on the Del Taco bag, it said, “I bagged a hottie.” Oh . . . I get it. Del Taco must have just launched a new advertising campaign. Well, aren’t they clever?? I was so impressed by their wit. My daughters and I laughed all the way home.

Um, I don't think so.

What is wrong with you, Del Taco?! Are you telling me that there is not ONE parent in corporate headquarters or at that thoughtless advertising agency that came up with this campaign who might have thought: “Hmmmm . . . maybe this campaign isn’t real appropriate for families who have young children.”

Unless your marketing department decided that hungry mothers and children aren’t in your target demographic group, then you have made a huge mistake taking this recent ad campaign of yours public.

Imagine how uncomfortable I felt, as a mom, trying to explain to my daughter what “bagging a hottie” meant. What’s next, “Eat My Taco”? Or “Lick My Hot Sauce.” Or perhaps you might consider selling hot dogs so you can emblazon your bags and wrappers with, “Grab A Weenie.”

I am pleading with all moms in the blogosphere to put pressure on Del Taco to yank this shameful ad campaign and put every single brown paper bag printed with “I Bagged A Hottie” right where they belong . . . in the trash!

And they may want to dispose of their advertising agency while they’re at it, too.
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Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sticker Shock

You recognize these car stickers, don't you? For some bizarre reason, motorists feel compelled to let everyone know how many kids and pets they have, and what all their names are, too. Yeah, they provide some light entertainment when you're stuck behind that mini van at a long light. Come to think of it, I'd like to see Octo Mom's custom decal showing off her 14 children. Not sure the back window would be wide enough, though.

Normally, I don't pay any attention to these decals, but one did catch my eye the other day. The stick-figure lineup included a man with HUGE muscles, a woman next to him, a little girl and a dog. What made this particular decal so different is that there was a HUGE red "X" over the mom. Get it? Dad, the driver, is divorced, and judging by his shameless promotion of it, he couldn't be happier.

As a divorced single mother, I thought it was tacky and lacked sensitivity to how his daughter might be feeling. I'm sure she doesn't like riding around in a car that is advertising the fact that her mom is out of the picture. She must be embarrassed and hurt by that. What's that saying from Dr. Phil? "Saying bad things about your ex in front of your children is like attacking their DNA." I wondered if she thought that maybe her father might "X" her out of his life someday, too.

Anyway, I tried to take a picture of it for you all because I heard that's what the really good bloggers do. And I did, with my cell phone. But I forgot to click save before I shut the camera off and when I got home to retrieve the picture, it had been deleted. And of course the mini van was long gone by then, parked somewhere in the driveway of Happy Bachelor Land. So the generic photo above will have to suffice.

Sorry. I'll know better next time I'm out and about as a roving blogger.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

My New Theme Song

If you're not an "American Idol" fan, you will be after watching the video in the post BELOW THIS POST. (For some reason, I couldn't include this block of copy and the video in one post. I'm still very blogger-challenged -- sorry!)

In fact, I will go so far as to say that you are probably watching the next crowned prince of the show -- Adam Lambert from Hollywood, California. This performance earned him a standing ovation on Tuesday night from the perpetually cranky, never-impressed-with-ANYONE Simon Cowell. That, in itself, is an AMAZING feat!

Why am I posting it here? DUH! The song is called "A Mad World," and I thought it would be a nice tie-in with my blog. Plus, with as many hits as this video is getting all over the Internet, this Mad Mom would be out of her mind not to!

Click and ENJOY! I have . . . about a million times!

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